Hogtoberfest Match Report

Pelican Rugby Club marked a start to our Fall fixtures at Hogtoberfest in Gainesville, showcasing skill, determination, and true team spirit across two hard-fought matches. The day began with a challenging face-off against Brevard Rugby, where they clinched a 17-7 victory, laying down a marker for their intentions in the tournament.

Carrying the momentum forward, the Pelicans then faced the Gainesville Hogs, securing a resounding 33-10 win. This victory not only demonstrated their prowess on the field but also solidified their position as the Hogtoberfest champions, a title earned through grit, skill, and a testament to all the hard work that has been put in so far.

Mitch Houston was the star of the show, delivering a mesmerizing performance that culminated in a hat-trick, rightfully earning him the man of the match accolade. His efforts were brilliantly complemented by the contributions of Louis Verdu, Felipe Betancour, Shackleton Steward, and Mike Piazza, all of whom played pivotal roles in amassing points for the team.

The tournament also served as a significant milestone for Big Rob and Curtis, as they both earned their inaugural Peli caps, marking the beginning of what promises to be an exciting journey with the club. Similarly, Patrick Escalante and Robbie Guthrie made their rugby debuts in style, each securing their first Peli cap and showcasing a promising rugby potential.

In reflection, the Pelican Rugby Club’s performance at Hogtoberfest was a demonstration of their talent, teamwork, and tenacity. A fantastic building block to progress further.

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